If you are a Christian and have said those words, or heard them and never considered the impact of what the statements mean, you are not alone.
Unfortunately, not enough Christians are engaged in America’s political process. Before casting a ballot, they learn very little about the candidates running for public office. This means these voters are not only unaware of who is on the ballot, but they do not know what is on the ballot.
The what on the ballot includes values represented by candidates we put into office.
Values are evident in referenda and initiatives and either protect things like private property and religious freedom, or are efforts to eliminate them from the personal responsibility of individuals like you and me.
We as voters are either to thank or blame for the government leadership we get.
Candidates’ principles ultimately represent – and run – America. We must remember, as voters, that people running for office are first of all fallible people. Just because someone is elected to public office does not make them perfect decision makers. We must also understand and engage in our entire system of checks and balances designed to help our government be a good one that works for the American people instead of against them.
“But, elected officials do whatever they want once in office,” you say.
True. Elected officials make decisions that sometimes we agree with and other times do not. For the most part, however, we are able to find and elect leaders who have integrity and who seek God for wisdom while they serve. And it is our responsibility as Americans to seek out these types of leaders and encourage them to run for office.
Just like you find people to trust with babysitting children or managing bank accounts or caring for anything else you value, great trust is placed through voting.
Elected officials vote on issues with or without your input. And they are also our peers, making up a representative government that is accountable to us. They are imperfect people just like you and me, so we need to be aware of decisions they make!
Do you realize you might be one of those well-meaning yet less-involved voters whose minimal or nonexistent interest in the political process leads to your freedom and that of your neighbor’s being wasted… or lost?
Do not assume politics is something best left to others who might have more time to deal with political issues. And especially avoid the assumption that you might not possess the savvy to understand issues enough to vote on them.
Living in a free nation does not just happen. It is a huge responsibility in which no American should allow only a small number of people, among the entire country, to carry for everyone else. Be part of the process even if you have not done anything this far, or know where to begin. Beginning by finding it important to engage politics will help you keep the gift that freedom is to you because you will learn not every nation’s citizens are allowed to give rise to suitable leaders or much of anything else. Let us not lose what we have in America that can so easily get taken for granted.
It is easy to become busy with every other activity imaginable with family, church, career, hobbies – you name it. Are we really too busy to drop by a polling place on Election Day or send in an absentee ballot? Do we realize what our lack of involvement says about what we believe?
Investing a little time today and taking steps to learn, even if small steps at first, goes a long way toward playing an important role in preserving what America is all about. Each of us as individuals has something we can do to keep our freedom from being voted out. We can never be too busy when we understand this!
If you’re a Christian in America wondering if you should know what is going on in your government, about leaders who represent you in our government, or whether to vote in elections, the answer is a resounding YES!
Once this paramount truth is clear to you, it is possible to answer with confidence the question, “Who wants to be free?” You will respond that the answer includes you without a doubt!
If you do vote, do you:
- Guess at the best possible candidate?
- Choose a candidate based on how much money they seem to have?
- Choose a candidate based on how many of their bumper stickers, television ads, or yard signs you’ve seen on your way to the polls?
If any of this sounds familiar, there is so much more you can do to preserve freedom for yourself and your fellow Americans. And the changes you can start making, while surprisingly simple, you will find are very important.
In Who Wants to Be Free?, you will learn
- What defines freedom and why understanding it matters to you.
- What is at stake by ignoring your heritage as a Christian in America.
- Biblical principles about freedom that will help you cast a wise ballot.
- Questions to ask yourself and candidates before you vote.
- How to keep up with the issues and stay involved in politics without getting overwhelmed – and more!
Who Wants to Be Free? is available at:
WestBow Press:
Barnes & Noble: