The selfless actions of these lives are added to the documented history that America treasures, to remind us for the sake of freedom, to ensure we are able to continue in a spirit of gratitude for all they have done rather than leading us as a people into a fear of never regaining freedom. We write down and record their efforts, we look at their pictures, recalling in our thoughts what it means to be an American, to participate in a great nation that pours out in service to restore and rebuild and meet the needs of other peoples.
Some of our heroes we trace back to our nation’s founding and before, finding a direct relationship in our family bloodline. Others we hear and read about, quietly grateful that they stood up for us and our kin, who thought of us down the road of history yet to be made in years they would never know, but hoped would be filled not only with hope, but hope fulfilled, and lifetimes of freedom to live and prosper.
We honor our fallen heroes throughout the history of our great nation because to forget would throw away the care each of these men and women and their families placed into considering the next generations of Americans.
Individually we go about our days wanting this and that, sometimes thankful for all we have and are, sometimes sure that we understand where our freedom stands in our own communities among our peers, states and nation. We may make a comparison to the world as we listen to news stories about people jailed somewhere oversees for saying out loud what they believe in, then quickly dismiss it as nothing that could ever happen in America. It is our responsibility today and every day, as free people in a nation full of incredible blessings, to protect the freedoms we have, and never take any of it for granted.
Yes, dare we boldly say out loud here in America that our freedoms are taken for granted? Dare we warn our neighbors,
“Be sure and remember those who have gone before us and fought for what we have today.”
Yes. Absolutely.
How can we shirk such a noble responsibility to pause and remember them not only on Memorial Day, but every day? Writing what they have done not only in our history books, but in our own hearts and minds will spur us on in our daily actions to live grateful, keeping alive on their behalf a great nation they fought for and would be proud to know is still here because we recognize and treasure what they have done – what they have unselfishly given.
It is unfortunate that some remain untaught for generations in America, unable to see, not so sure why the problem of fighting exists in the world and that human frailties bring about a natural consequence of warring for self-preservation. May we always be a nation that fights for the life of every American and never wastes the bravery and battles won by troops who were thinking of each of us, who lives today, because they went somewhere dangerous, to serve and to save us.
They have gone before to maintain a way of life that many in other nations have no idea exists.
This day, we hold dear as Memorial Day, is sad and difficult to endure because we think of the loss of precious lives as one people, as Americans. And at the same time we celebrate those we remember – the fallen – with humble gratitude, encouraged to know fellow Americans, patriots with an unstoppable love for their country.
To the hands and hearts that gave without thought for personal safety or expectation of thanks or remembrance, and who risked their lives every day for a country they’re proud of – to give their lives up – that we could live today in all they fought for. We remember, with tears in our hearts, each of them. We are humbly, and forever grateful.